I Will Amaze You!
I will amaze you with the display of My power in the midst of you, says the LORD. For all the earth is Mine and I will fill it with My glory.
Continue reading →I will amaze you with the display of My power in the midst of you, says the LORD. For all the earth is Mine and I will fill it with My glory.
Continue reading →“Do not underestimate Me and what I AM doing in your life!” says The LORD. “For everything that I have created is very significant, and has purpose.”
Continue reading →I hear The LORD saying, “I hear your prayers — but I don’t hear your desperation. I hear your words — but I don’t see your heart fully reflect those words.”
Continue reading →God says, “Giants are falling!” He has heard our prayers and petitions for ourselves, our loved ones, our countries, and Israel! Stand still and see the Salvation of The LORD this day!
Continue reading →“Watch and wait. For the world powers are at work. The war that you now see in Israel is but the beginning,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Behold I hold open for you an open door that no man can shut, I close doors that no man can open,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“You are being anointed to connect with like spirits and new companions for this time of New Beginnings.” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Mixture Messages come from many pulpits that have lulled, put to sleep, much in the way the nursery rhyme reads, by lulling them to sleep.
Continue reading →The LORD is RECTIFYING, REORGANIZING, and RENEWING us so that his bride can emerge radiant without spot or wrinkle!
Continue reading →There comes a time when The LORD is ready to release Revival. Evan Roberts was one man who discerned The LORD’s timing for Revival — and prayed until God “bent” him.
Continue reading →“I have confidence that you will not consume what I put in your hands. But because of that one, blessing, I will open up more and more and more over you,” says The LORD.
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