Expectations May Tarry — But It Shall Come!
When our heart’s longings and desires do not come into fruition at an expected time, it’s easy for us to become dispirited.
Continue reading →When our heart’s longings and desires do not come into fruition at an expected time, it’s easy for us to become dispirited.
Continue reading →I was recently told very clearly by God (via the voice of The Holy Spirit) to share something again, so here it comes.
Continue reading →“Come hungry, come thirsty, come into My presence empty and with expectation,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Understand My Beloveds, that the time has come for The Judgments to bring down the wicked rulers of this world,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →There’s much talk about Water at the moment — whether it’s oceans of God’s Love, or Rivers of Living Water, or Wells of Revival being dug or re-dug.
Continue reading →I heard, “Angels are escorting us to a higher level — the next season. A new Door has been opened called Higher Revelation. Breakthrough has come! Entry shall not be denied!”
Continue reading →We must not allow a fear element to get in us. What am I talking about today? There is too much controversy everywhere of what we should do in these end times!
Continue reading →This morning I awoke from another night of Dreams about “something very difficult to deal with,” happening.
Continue reading →“There is a knowledge that is too deep and too far to fathom with the human brain. But The Spirit of God speaks to the human heart.”
Continue reading →When the sun rises; I will be the praise of Your Glory; When the sun sets; I will be the praise of Your Glory — From star to star
From sea to sea; I will praise You mightily!
“I AM The LORD God, Who will fight for thee, and will end the battle, as you crossover into the time of GREAT ABUNDANCE, knowing PLENTY, where you will prosper in life and in health!”
Continue reading →I hear The LORD saying, “Be confident that I AM leading you! Be confident that I AM guiding you by My Spirit — even when you do not fully see the path ahead.”
Continue reading →GOD began speaking to me at about YOM KIPPUR — but more specifically He became more detailed in pointing things out to me on Wednesday, September 13, 2023.
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