Taking Counsel
Be wary of people who will not take counsel from others. There are some people in Ministry who have NO accountability!
Continue reading →Be wary of people who will not take counsel from others. There are some people in Ministry who have NO accountability!
Continue reading →“My Word is in your heart. Let it proceed from your mouth,” says The LORD. “Speak faith in Me and My Word. Speak My Word, and watch it work for you.”
Continue reading →I do look at the circumstances and the difficulty sometime and say: “LORD I don’t understand what you are doing now?”
Continue reading →I just want to take this opportunity to encourage someone to Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near.
Continue reading →My heart is overflowing with gratitude, LORD; For the way You make me feel; For giving me a purpose and a hope.
Continue reading →Many of you here who are my friends now for many years, and you have read my Words and teachings, know of my story and what happened to me.
Continue reading →Good morning! Let’s all examine our hearts today. Some thoughts we don’t need to ever entertain, such as ‘quitting’.
Continue reading →“As you come to Me and recognize Me as your GOD, I will recognize you as My child. Come as a child and let me elevate you in My presence. “
Continue reading →I heard the voice of The LORD say, “Come and sit by the still waters with Me. It is a refreshing time for My Beloved!”
Continue reading →There is a wave of vindication that the pioneers will have the grace to experience, not for the purpose of vanity but the public confirmation of their purpose and anointing.
Continue reading →I got quiet before The LORD today and in the Spirit, I heard the Wind blowing; like how it sounds before a storm.
Continue reading →The LORD is calling to His Elijah’s today, “What are doing here, My Child? Come out! Come out into My marvelous Light!”
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