A Call to Intimacy
If an individual had a deep and trusting relationship with The LORD Jesus, he would not need anything.
Continue reading →If an individual had a deep and trusting relationship with The LORD Jesus, he would not need anything.
Continue reading →Saints, the power of the consecrated body and the transformed mind, is the revealing of the Kingdom of God!
Continue reading →“The Angels of Daniel nine are being released over the nation of America!” America — get ready for greater Angelic Visitations in this hour of great battle!
Continue reading →If they cannot acknowledge their identity with The Body of Christ — and it’s order — what is their motive to build with you?
Continue reading →“I will use whom I will use!” says The LORD, “Not who man would have chosen, regardless of age, background, or their past.”
Continue reading →“I AM not done,” says the LORD, “and neither are you. Not done! I AM in charge of your times and seasons, and I set the pace.”
Continue reading →For the last couple of years I’ve had the sense that we are on the cusp of great change.
Continue reading →I am hearing the term: “Flash Fire!” As there was a flash flood in Noah’s time, there will be flash fires before The LORD’s return.
Continue reading →The LORD gives His Watchmen/ Women warnings, so that we can pray against the plans of the enemy, and his workers of iniquity.
Continue reading →“Rise up and clothe yourself with strength for the night is far spent. The day is near! It is time to take inventory of what has been allowed in My Temple,” says The LORD!
Continue reading →The inspiration for this post comes from The Holy Spirit speaking through Pastor Tim Sheets — and passed to me to stir up your hope and faith for the future!
Continue reading →“Beloved. When you are weak and need to be strengthened I send Angels to you, My Child,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Ohio Intercessors, you are a spearhead penetrating the supernatural and in the natural, politically for our nation. God bless you!!
Continue reading →It’s all building up! The wave just gets bigger by the moment! There is a build up of Holy Spirit power and pressure, and it’s just about ready to blow!
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