We Must Enter the Kingdom of God
Saints of God, the Power of the Holy Spirit within you, revealing the Kingdom of Heaven, has authority to stop all of hell in its tracks!
Continue reading →Saints of God, the Power of the Holy Spirit within you, revealing the Kingdom of Heaven, has authority to stop all of hell in its tracks!
Continue reading →“Don’t you know that they do not know even now which road to take, for they are truly confused as to what step to take next?” asks The LORD.
Continue reading →I’m sensing the peace of The LORD is entering His Children, who are weary. I’m sensing and experiencing something unexplainable that it’s time!
Continue reading →“My Plan can only reach it’s full capacity as you cast down every imagination and everything that is distracting you in this time of great darkness,” says The Father of Light.
Continue reading →“Architect Angels Carrying Heavenly Blueprints — Great Eagles That Carry the Arrows of Awakening to the Nations”
Continue reading →All day today (August 21), I kept hearing “August 24”. This date was swirling around in my spirit, and had no idea why.
Continue reading →I Declare you have the mind of Christ, seated with Him in heavenly places, where you are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm.
Continue reading →“Think on this. SILENCE them. That means they will be completely squelched out of existence! They will not scream in your ear. They will not enter your heart.”
Continue reading →I get letters her from many people who are really hurting and sad in their beliefs, but, they do not know the depth of their deception.
Continue reading →It’s early evening and I’m quietly ruminating on a quiet day. A rare day, as it happens, as I’ve heard relatively little either directly or indirectly from The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD says: “It’s time to emerge from your time of hibernation. I will use that time of hiding as a womb that incubates and gives birth to something powerful inside of you.”
Continue reading →I believe we have entered a time of Sweet Communion with the King — and not just in our times in The Secret Place with The LORD!
Continue reading →There are many who follow large crowds thinking that is where God is moving — but that isn’t always true.
Continue reading →“Beloved. My Love is a Flame. Your God is a consuming Fire. The Wild Fires are burning in the heart of My Bride. My Spirit comes upon you as tongues of Fire,” says The LORD.
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