“Everything that I will do is already done,” says The LORD. “Everything that you will hear Me say has already been declared by Me from My Throne.”
Continue reading →“Everything that I will do is already done,” says The LORD. “Everything that you will hear Me say has already been declared by Me from My Throne.”
Continue reading →Aren’t you supposed to be part of a new season? Are you still sitting on the fence of what The LORD has been saying to you?
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Beloved, You who are bowed down, I AM raising you up. I AM the Upholder of those who fall down.”
Continue reading →The LORD has Forerunners in every city — in every Nation — ready to be the Vanguard of their regions.
Continue reading →The mind is a constantly changing thing and with its complexity it is at times a maze of ever-changing tangents that occupy it.
Continue reading →All my life I did things my way; Thinking that I knew best; Thinking I had found the truth; But all I had found was disappointment.
Continue reading →I heard The Spirit say, ”Watch! For 2024 will be a Year where the Fires of My Glory will begin to fall upon the Twenty Four — Seven Altars!”
Continue reading →I heard, “These are they who need to step up — but who also need some encouragement to do so,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Across the world, and over the seas, over the lands, there has been much devastation,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Throughout The Bible we see that many times The LORD’S people were oppressed, controlled or manipulated by their enemies.
Continue reading →I heard The Voice of The Holy spirit very clearly say, “I, The LORD, AM drawing many hungry believers into a deeper understanding of My endless Love.”
Continue reading →“Things are about to change very quickly for you and everyone on earth. I AM bringing forth more changes than anyone knows about,” says The LORD .
Continue reading →“My Glory is coming, but like other places, it will be at a cost. there is much division here, instead of forgiveness. In the mayhem, I will do miracles!”
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