Let the Wind Blow!
“The world is hearing and feeling the winds of adversity blowing all around them. The small gusts have become a tempest with the seas and waves roaring\,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“The world is hearing and feeling the winds of adversity blowing all around them. The small gusts have become a tempest with the seas and waves roaring\,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →This is, I believe, a Rhema Word for America that I heard this day from The Spirit of The LORD. Apply the Scriptures, as you try the spirits always with all of us!
Continue reading →I believe there is a Word from The LORD today as He admonishes us to “Hide Ourselves in Him!”
Continue reading →I’ve written hundreds of posts over the years, but I get the feeling that this one may be more relevant to Revival than many of its predecessors.
Continue reading →May those who love You; Be like the sun when it rises in its strength; May those who love You; Always seek shelter under Your Wings.
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