Nothing But The Blood of Jesus
Sitting quietly this morning, I heard my spirit singing this lovely old Gospel Song. It sounds like the Angel Choir is joining in. It’s gentle, soothing, restful. It’s sweet.
Continue reading →Sitting quietly this morning, I heard my spirit singing this lovely old Gospel Song. It sounds like the Angel Choir is joining in. It’s gentle, soothing, restful. It’s sweet.
Continue reading →“Be not weary in well doing, and in due time you shall reap your Reward. I tell you My Child, this is the time of My Reward as it is the set year of the Favor of The LORD.”
Continue reading →The LORD brought these words before me since yesterday. I could hear him say, “All I have to do is say the word!”
Continue reading →The LORD says to you, “I AM setting up ambushments against the enemy and I AM doing so as you Pray, Declare, and Decree the Word of The LORD against the enemy!”
Continue reading →Look ahead, leave the past behind; Embrace His Promises, leave the lies behind; Look toward the Light; Sing a song of happiness; Sing a song of New Beginnings.
Continue reading →“Your Worship ascends up like fire, like a fragrance it permeates heaven and it captures My Attention,” says The LORD.
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