You Have Waited Long Enough!
An odd thing to hear, isn’t it? Yet there it was again, “You have waited long enough!”
Continue reading →An odd thing to hear, isn’t it? Yet there it was again, “You have waited long enough!”
Continue reading →The LORD just said that this country — The United States of America — can have whatever The Church allows!
Continue reading →“I will brighten your life in Me,” says The LORD. “I will give you everything that you need. Do not look for someone else to supply your needs.”
Continue reading →“Even when you do not know it or sense it, I have you surrounded. I have positioned Mighty Angels all around you and your house and those of your loved ones,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →I heard from The LORD: “The floodgate has been opened for persecution to come. There is no one fighting for TRUTH or JUSTICE in the land. Cowards…. cower.”
Continue reading →I’m just super excited that miracles and healing are for us today. God is looking for people to show His Power and Glory through!
Continue reading →I heard The Word of The LORD say: “For My Throne is a Throne of Justice and Righteousness,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Circling around the mountain the eagle flies; High above the racing clouds; With the wind underneath its wings; Soaring to heights he’s never been; Trusting his LORD.
Continue reading →It seems often times when I bring a subject up it brings debate in The Body of Christ.
Continue reading →“Yes, there is a Revelation to be revealed on the earth! And yes, it is the True Christ in you!” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Wait on Me, for delay in your eyes is not denial” says The LORD. “I AM not oblivious of your concerns.”
Continue reading →Today, I was awakened from a dream. It was a very real experience, one I know Father God wanted me to convey to you.
Continue reading →“I AM unfolding mysteries, unfolding things yet unknown. I AM disclosing all things that you have asked for because you sought My face, you put Me first place and I recognize it.”
Continue reading →Under the leadership of The Holy Spirit, ensure that every disconnection, redirection, and realignment that you have experienced receives a proper burial.
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