Do Not Look Back!
“Your destiny is ahead of you. Move forward into it, for I AM the Door and I will make a way for you where there is no way,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Your destiny is ahead of you. Move forward into it, for I AM the Door and I will make a way for you where there is no way,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Don’t look at what seems like failed justice, because My Justice will prevail in the long run,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The world is currently immersed in mass deception leading to a form of massive insanity or mental illness.
Continue reading →Many times we want to give out the blessed Hope of Jesus Christ without that ‘fire and brimstone’ kind of message.
Continue reading →I was in Prayer; suddenly I was in some city and I saw people walking in front of me. They were all different types of people dressed differently and from various walks of life.
Continue reading →“This world and everything in it, will one day be done away with. For it will be rolled-up like a map.,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The rains of revival have come; Our LORD is showering us with His Grace and Glory; Come it’s time for a refreshing.
Continue reading →“I have blessed this day that I have given you, and I have blessed you,” says The LORD. “My blessings are continual. My Presence goes before you.”
Continue reading →It’s not my intention to cause arguments here, but there are things about the Christian Faith, or its adherents, that cause me questions.
Continue reading →God is in control of this that looks uncontrollable. Faith doesn’t look at the chaos, but The One who calms it!
Continue reading →The LORD says: “Holiness and Righteousness are on the lips of My People, but I look into their hearts. My People have lost The Fear of The LORD on their lives.”
Continue reading →I have received many Warnings about another Plague/ Pestilence coming. The first time The LORD warned me of this was back in 2018
Continue reading →I heard, “I AM pouring out the Oil of Gladness! The Infusion and Infilling of JOY shall HEAL you, mind, body and soul!”
Continue reading →God has a Prophetic Word for those who are calling upon His Name. “The Name of The LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to His Name and find safety.,” says The LORD.
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