What Kind of Remembrance Will They Have?
“So, what are you going to do this day, My People? What types of things will you be involved doing?” asks The LORD.
Continue reading →“So, what are you going to do this day, My People? What types of things will you be involved doing?” asks The LORD.
Continue reading →A Word The LORD Spoke to Me on Memorial Day 2023. Your Memorials Shall Pertain to Life and Resurrection Not Death and Destruction!
Continue reading →“I AM moving in you, around you and will move through you,” says The LORD. “My Spirit in you is MOVING, it is stirring within you and taking away the stagnation.”
Continue reading →I hear The Holy Spirit moving around, but I sense He can’t move freely. I hear The LORD saying, “Please! Don’t stand in My Way!”
Continue reading →I heard, “Delivered from the Darkness of Despair to the Glorious Light of Vindication!”
Continue reading →Let us continue to plant seeds of Faith and take dominion over the earth for healing in the Name of Jesus.
Continue reading →Have you ever been around someone that just seems to bring a ‘gloomy’ atmosphere with them when they walk into a room?
Continue reading →The Feast of Weeks — Shavuot means (weeks). Pentecost (means fifty — because its 50 days from Passover to Shavuot)…. is one of the three (3) commanded Feasts for Jews.
Continue reading →“I will take you to NEW heights in My Glory,” says the LORD. “This is a time for you to step up.”
Continue reading →Jesus was simply saying: “I cannot do anything but what The Father shows me to do, and if I do those things it is not Me who does them — but My Father.”
Continue reading →The LORD said, “Something is coming so BIG and FAST and HARD there is nothing you can do to stop it, except pray and worship, as you’ve never prayed and worshiped before.”
Continue reading →When I saw this short message by tent revivalist, evangelist Mario Murillo, several people I know came to mind right away….. you may be one of them!
Continue reading →The Grace bestowed upon mankind because of The Blood of Jesus gives us an opportunity every day to choose Him, even at our very last moments.
Continue reading →Today we read and experience the foolish mindset of people everywhere who really think they are smart……… YET.. they really do not believe in God!
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