The Pharaohs’ Algorithms
By now I hope we all realize that as much as we would believe, that everyone can see our [Facebook] posts as we trust the system to allow it, that this isn’t true.
Continue reading →By now I hope we all realize that as much as we would believe, that everyone can see our [Facebook] posts as we trust the system to allow it, that this isn’t true.
Continue reading →Apostles and Prophets gathered yesterday to seek The LORD. There is a cross-pollination taking place in The Nations like never before.
Continue reading →“You can depend upon My promises being fulfilled. I AM not looking for an excuse not to give you what I said belongs to you,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →As we celebrate Mother’s Day, I stop and realize that I could not have raised my boys without the Goodness of God.
Continue reading →Betrayal is probably one of the hardest experiences anyone can encounter in life, because it’s personal.
Continue reading →The Word of Life Himself has taken up residence within you and is leading you along the path of righteousness, for His Name’s sake.
Continue reading →Nebuchadnezza fell down at Daniels feet and said, “Surely your God is the God of gods and The LORD of kings and a revealer of mysteries.”
Continue reading →Defeat is a lie; From the father of lies; From the pit of Sheol; I declare in the name of Jesus; The spirit of defeat be gone!
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