Are You Ready to Become the Steward of Great Wealth?
God blesses His people with many resources, including money, but that blessing comes with the responsibility of using it for God’s Glory.
Continue reading →God blesses His people with many resources, including money, but that blessing comes with the responsibility of using it for God’s Glory.
Continue reading →I heard The LORD say, “When this tide goes out again, you’d better be in the water or you’ll be left high and dry on the beach!”
Continue reading →“My Grace is sufficient for you,” says The LORD. “It is never depleted. You are not being overlooked and I AM not oblivious of your pain or difficulties.”
Continue reading →“Press in! Press in to Me!” says The LORD. “For how else will you know what to do during these times?”
Continue reading →I heard, “You are the TRUE ROYALS; Rejoice, My Bride, the Time of the Divine Coronation of the One True King is near!”
Continue reading →Here is the Word given by Smith Wigglesworth to Lester Sumrall With tears rolling down, Smith cried saying, “I probably won’t see you again now. My job is almost finished.”
Continue reading →Yes! Time for us to repent of idolatry, wickedness and witchcraft — individually, collectively and on behalf of our earthly leaders in governments and in The Church
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