Do NOT Touch the Ark
Wales — at present known for the despair and even suicide of so many young people — is about to experience a “Jesus Revolution” among her own youth!
Continue reading →Wales — at present known for the despair and even suicide of so many young people — is about to experience a “Jesus Revolution” among her own youth!
Continue reading →You know, during lockdown, many of us couldn’t do anything but Pray. We said, “This is so good. Not rushing around all the time!”
Continue reading →I do all things excellently and extravagantly, says The LORD. I AM more than enough. and I AM that for you. There is nothing hid from Me, for I Know all things.
Continue reading →I heard such a “strange” thing today. Strange in the Hebrew — means NEW…..! The LORD said, “I have a Cache of Weapons stored up for such a time as this!”
Continue reading →I was thinking about the Harvest we sowed into and then He said these Words to me. Now listen very carefully to what He said….
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