Knocking Upon Heavens Door
Doubt has tried to cloud the visions of many, and fear of the unknown has tried relentlessly to penetrate the soul.
Continue reading →Doubt has tried to cloud the visions of many, and fear of the unknown has tried relentlessly to penetrate the soul.
Continue reading →So many Churches often speak on revival — and many talk about it as a future event not yet manifested.
Continue reading →A lot of believers suffer within sin issues, and I want to encourage you, that first and foremost if you love God and His Word you HATE sin and all wickedness.
Continue reading →I just released a prophetic word for December, but it’s really a “Now Prophetic Word” that will extend over the next few months.
Continue reading →I was praying and studying the Scriptures, when I heard The LORD say, “I AM Displeased!”
Continue reading →The LORD said, “The trial is over, I have taken away your judgements; Your contempt, low demeanor, and reproach among the nations swept away.”
Continue reading →God’s Wrath is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness. We each are accountable for what we allow ourselves to be led into and out of.
Continue reading →“The Unction to Function” – as that phrase came to me, I laughed, and I thought, “Oh Lord, I hope that was You, and if it was then I’m sorry but it sounds a bit twee!”
Continue reading →As we walk with The LORD Jesus, we must come to the place of having holy intimacy with Him.
Continue reading →“The only reason we don’t have revival is because we are willing to live without it!” Leonard Ravenhill.
Continue reading →You know, there is a great war against men in this season – but the war against men began with the war against the woman that has been going on for six thousand years.
Continue reading →The fires that were sent to incinerate you, will only reveal who is standing with you!
Continue reading →I hear The Spirit say, “It’s time for My People to STAND, and having stood, to STAND VICTORIOUS!”
Continue reading →I see the Bride of Christ with a HAMMER in her hand, a mighty Warrior Prophet rising up, wielding the King’s Hammer, the One that breaks the rocks of the enemy.
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