The Fellowship of His Sufferings
Are you tired? Are you weary? Are you worn out from the battle? Come to Jesus! He is the resting place!!
Continue reading →Are you tired? Are you weary? Are you worn out from the battle? Come to Jesus! He is the resting place!!
Continue reading →Come away! Come away! Come away with Him; The sun is rising this morning; Revelation is but a thought away; Come even higher where eagles fly!
Continue reading →“There is coming a sharpening of the prophetic, even to the point of the Words being as ‘sharp as a tack’,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“I AM opening doors that no man can shut. Life-changing things will come forth,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →To any prodigal, broken or wounded one, any who feel they are held captive, I reach out to you and want you to know that you are loved.
Continue reading →“I AM That I AM doing a great work in this land which many have written off as failure,” says The LORD to America.
Continue reading →Things may be calm at the moment, but this will not last forever. Things may have seemed to have eased somewhat, but the storm is brewing.
Continue reading →Today’s podcast is one of several that I will do in the next few weeks. I trust will enhance your Christmas season, even thought the message is one for any season!
Continue reading →“I AM GOOD, and only have GOOD things to offer you,” says The LORD. “For I enjoy giving good gifts to My children.”
Continue reading →Walking with Jesus is so exciting. The Holy Spirit is omnipresent and He is moving at all times, and in every nation around the globe.
Continue reading →This from my memories. Something Different — originally from 2017 but now with further revelation and encouragement.
Continue reading →“My Kingdom is not of this world….” Those were the Words of Jesus Christ as He stood before Pontius Pilate at His trial, before He was crucified at Calvary.
Continue reading →“Too many are walking on the beach, viewing the waters, breathing in the sea breezes and picking up empty shells of what was once alive and vibrant,” says The LORD..
Continue reading →Short and sweet tonight. I hear The King inviting us into His Chambers for a special time of communion.
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