The Place Where the Shekinah Glory Dwells
Most of you have experienced times of refreshing as you went through seasons of hearing God’s Voice on a regular basis.
Continue reading →Most of you have experienced times of refreshing as you went through seasons of hearing God’s Voice on a regular basis.
Continue reading →“For I AM wielding My Sword all across this land — that you would seek My Face and not just My Hand,” says The LORD..
Continue reading →While praying on November 22, 2022, I heard: “Rock and Rolling!” I wasn’t sure what it meant until I then heard this message from The LORD.
Continue reading →“My Grace is sufficient for you,” says the LORD. “It is My free gift for you. Just receive all that I have freely given to you by unwavering faith in Me.”
Continue reading →The LORD said, “Return of The King” when I asked Him what He wanted to say, when that familiar nudging came.
Continue reading →Over the last few weeks, I had been praying and asking The Father to bridal my tongue, because at night the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy.
Continue reading →“Children of Light will receive this message for the coming year on man’s calendar of time,” thus saith The LORD.
Continue reading →I’ve heard the phrase, “Don’t look back!” three times now. The last time was one afternoon while listening to a 30 year old sermon from 1984!
Continue reading →Most reading this, are probably aware that the whole world has entered a season of transition and transformational changes.
Continue reading →Beloved, you are indeed moving into a time, when Willingness, Obedience and Simplicity will become the new norm.
Continue reading →“Beloved. The “misfits” shall FIT. The world says there is no room at the Inn for you — but you are not of this world or of the “in” crowd, says The LORD.
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