The Great I AM
“In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God, and was God. But I AM more than just a driving force,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God, and was God. But I AM more than just a driving force,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Get ready for the new as you wrap up the old,” says The LORD. “For I want you to finish well in anticipation of what lies ahead.”
Continue reading →As we enter the time, space, and the year of 2023 on the Gregorian Calendar, the world will immediately see many remarkable events and observations!
Continue reading →Today’s Word is one that I am going to share about another wonderful story of how The Holy Spirit can prompt us to do things for others at the most uncanny times.
Continue reading →God’s Spirit has strengthened me with might; God’s divine energy at work in me has rendered me defensible against every weakness.
Continue reading →“These coming 90 days are the most important days for My Church, and for your freedoms!” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Many of you have been digging wells for so long, but you haven’t experienced a breakthrough.
Continue reading →A while back, I shared The LORD had said, “Those carrying any unbelief, are about to go into the midst of My Fiery furnace!”
Continue reading →In the last two weeks, have received two new Dreams about a new Plague, or Plagues that are coming….. though I don’t know the details.
Continue reading →I have hesitated to release this Word, but I’ve now had a confirmation just 24 hours after I laid the Word down.
Continue reading →The Blood of Jesus is Life; Life came from death that day at Calvary; For His Blood assured Victory — It destroyed death and the grave itself; Oh I call upon The Blood of Jesus.
Continue reading →The domain of the Eagle is the limitless heights; He soars on the wind in majestic flight; He is the king, the Lion of the Skies; His vision is clear and sure to prophesize.
Continue reading →There are times when you would rather not approach certain issues; but if you are truly called, appointed and anointed of God, you must.
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