The Fellowship of His Sufferings
Are you tired? Are you weary? Are you worn out from the battle? Come to Jesus! He is the resting place!!
Continue reading →Are you tired? Are you weary? Are you worn out from the battle? Come to Jesus! He is the resting place!!
Continue reading →Come away! Come away! Come away with Him; The sun is rising this morning; Revelation is but a thought away; Come even higher where eagles fly!
Continue reading →“There is coming a sharpening of the prophetic, even to the point of the Words being as ‘sharp as a tack’,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“I AM opening doors that no man can shut. Life-changing things will come forth,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →To any prodigal, broken or wounded one, any who feel they are held captive, I reach out to you and want you to know that you are loved.
Continue reading →“I AM That I AM doing a great work in this land which many have written off as failure,” says The LORD to America.
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