The Stump of Trump Will Sprout Again!
Friends, I must re-post this Prophetic Word, because I believe the fulfillment of this powerful and poignant Word is now beginning to come to the fore.
Continue reading →Friends, I must re-post this Prophetic Word, because I believe the fulfillment of this powerful and poignant Word is now beginning to come to the fore.
Continue reading →“This is a unique demonstration of My Power, and I AM coming in rushing upon My People like I have not done in times past, for time is short,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Get ready, for I AM about to shake the British Church out of the ‘death throes’ of her lethargy. I AM about to shake her to her ancient foundations,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Imagine doing it like Elijah — demonstrating The Power of GOD through prayer and getting your prayers answered like his!
Continue reading →See the Power of The Holy Spirit being displayed through the laying of hands for Healing, Baptism of The Holy Spirit, Miracles, Worship, and Spiritual Gifts.
Continue reading →Prayer is Spirit connection by the media frequency of Love that fills the atmosphere in communion with God.
Continue reading →I am not sure who needs to hear this today, but, The LORD is the one who supports you.
Continue reading →“Your hope in Me is not empty hope, but productive,” says The LORD. “Your trust in Me is not futile but will reap bountifully.”
Continue reading →“I have the answer, I have the solution, I have the way of escape already planned out. Search out the meanings behind the words, My Children,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Can we have a made-up mind, to even let God change our minds? We need to obey God, for the benefit of all.
Continue reading →”Daughter, watch and pay close attention, for My People must come up higher, and they must go deeper,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“You are making progress, and I AM setting things in order for you,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD was talking to me about the “Fine Line” between heaven and earth, and I saw the two sides of the Line blurring into each other as Heaven touched earth.
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