Everything in the Heavenly Realm is Living — Ancient Doors and Keys
Let me try and expound a little on what I shared previously on The Ancient Doors and The Keys.
Continue reading →Let me try and expound a little on what I shared previously on The Ancient Doors and The Keys.
Continue reading →I heard The LORD say: “Warn the many in California who have lingered and ignored previous warnings about moving out of California to a safer place.”
Continue reading →The LORD, Who calls you by name, has not forgotten His promises to you. You are still the called out ones, whether you know how to seek Him or not.
Continue reading →Jesus says, “They hated Me without reason,” so “prepare for what is coming by remaining in My Presence. Cultivate a stronger relationship and walk with Me.”
Continue reading →“My child, your freewill is not revokable or returnable. The enemy knows this. This is why he must get you to agree with him,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →As I looked at the news headline, I heard these words, ”Watch! The Rise of a New Elizabethan Age”.
Continue reading →The enemy has worked overtime to keep me isolated, and to try to make me believe that I had a fear of people, even though I experience all the feelings of having it.
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