The Fires of God’s Glory Are Falling on Canada!
Butterflies are rising, and Blacksmiths are returning as The Fires of His Glory fall upon The Nation of Canada!
Continue reading →Butterflies are rising, and Blacksmiths are returning as The Fires of His Glory fall upon The Nation of Canada!
Continue reading →Veronika West saw Nations in The Valley of Decision; and what looked like a Harvest Sickle in the Hand of The LORD, going back and forth.
Continue reading →The LORD said, “I say to you, times will come and times will go. But never will My Love leave, for My Children.”
Continue reading →A Tapestry of Time from Heaven’s Perspective through Three Supernatural Encounters!
Continue reading →Choose this day whom you serve. Choose life or death, blessing or cursing. Each day you must choose to hear, serve, and obey.
Continue reading →“Beloved. There is a battle raging. It is a battle for your mind. If Satan can convince you that things are hopeless, you have allowed him to win.”
Continue reading →THE HOLY SPIRIT is increasingly coordinating so much in The Church these days to prepare and protect The Bride.
Continue reading →“I order every step. I know the way that you take. Your future is in My hands, and I have good plans for you.” says The LORD.
Continue reading →I am hearing The LORD say, “Catch the wind — set your sails.” Be ready to be blown into your destiny beloved!
Continue reading →The Holy Spirit says: “There is a time coming where My People will need to be set free from the hands of the enemy.”
Continue reading →The LORD asks and says, “Why have you slept so long, My Remnant Church? It is to you I do speak this day.”
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