Daily Archives: December 23, 2021
Prayers Against Anxiety and Worry
Father, I ask YOU to remove all the roots of anxiety, fear and nervousness within me.
Continue reading →Psalm 91 as a Prayer
Here is Psalm 91 written personally as a prayer of protection over you, over your home.
Continue reading →Comfort and Joy! Comfort and Joy!
Time to Repent
The LORD says, “Please wake up here, do not believe that you can carry unconfessed sins around with you. “
Continue reading →The Active and Powerful Word
Are you ready to take action to experience the impact of God’s Word upon your life?
Continue reading →Hear the Sound of the Coming Rain
The LORD says, “Taste and see that The LORD is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him and makes His Abode in Him.”
Continue reading →Familiarity Breeds Contempt
The LORD lived and knew people and learned to be a carpenter before His earthly ministry ever started.
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