The Black Coat Regiment
After seeing someone talking about The Black Coat Regiment yesterday, I looked into it and then this came to me.
Continue reading →After seeing someone talking about The Black Coat Regiment yesterday, I looked into it and then this came to me.
Continue reading →“Give thanks unto Me at all times and let your praises arise in your heart and from your mouth,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I AM wants to tell you that now is the time for great change. Be aware My Children that your government will soon change.”
Continue reading →This is what I can share of The LORD Word to me that I believe is for all believers, “Again I say, do not worry or fear.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I AM wants His Children to realize that the time is continuing to tick down to the Judgments.”
Continue reading →“The earth is Mine. You can trust that I will supply all your need,” says The LORD.
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