His Eternal Design
To feel His Goodness brooding over me, is as experiencing a refreshing wave of crystal clear constantly water washing over me.
Continue reading →To feel His Goodness brooding over me, is as experiencing a refreshing wave of crystal clear constantly water washing over me.
Continue reading →“I have not banished anyone from My fullness, and all that I have for one, I have for all. You are no exception.” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Your King Yeshua wants His Children to know that time continues to move closer to the judgments.”
Continue reading →Last night I had a Dream about a well-known Pastor named Creflo Dollar who has a Church called “World Changers”.
Continue reading →I heard, “The Seers are coming forth! All who desire this prophetic gift shall have eyes to see and ears to hear. The War Eagles are rising!”
Continue reading →I can hear the LORD singing, “Tonight, Tonight,” then there’s a quiet pause, as I wait for Him to continue.
Continue reading →Prophetic Interpretation, Prayers and Decrees by Prophet Abel Praise. A Prophetic Interpretation and a Call to Action!
Continue reading →Mercy, Mercy Is the Tap Root. The Death of Marcus Lamb Is a Powerful Prophetic Sign for the Hour.
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