This Is Only the Beginning
This is not the end. This is only the beginning. “For My Thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My Ways,” declares The LORD.
Continue reading →This is not the end. This is only the beginning. “For My Thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My Ways,” declares The LORD.
Continue reading →“Miracles, signs and wonders are coming to life. All things are possible in the river of My Blessing,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →When you live within GOD’S predestined plan for your life, you don’t need to ask others for their money.
Continue reading →God sent His Son to earth to die on The Cross to take all our sin — yes, yours and mine.
Continue reading →In this land of America, men once believed and practiced that all men were created equal by God.
Continue reading →To fulfill your destiny in CHRIST JESUS, you must go to Galilee, to the mountain He has appointed for you before time began.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Your King Yeshua wants you to know, to understand, that the Judgments are coming soon.”
Continue reading →Today, The Holy Spirit brought to mind the verse where Jesus says, “I AM the Vine, you are the branches.”
Continue reading →Never have I seen such a contradiction in the ‘prophetic’ as today. This is in general, not in just one place.
Continue reading →It looked impossible, but a group of believers hit their knees and called out to the Heavens to open prison doors!
Continue reading →On my nightly prayer-walks over the last couple of months, I have found myself calling out to The LORD, “LORD, LORD! There is so much going on!”
Continue reading →“You are never alone,” says The LORD, “for I AM always with you. I never quit, and I will not quit on you.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Listen to Me! Your King Yeshua wants His People to know that soon the Judgments will begin.”
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