The Gospel — Keep it Simple!
We often appear to be “making a meal” of presenting The Gospel, making it full of complex Christianese buzzwords.
Continue reading →We often appear to be “making a meal” of presenting The Gospel, making it full of complex Christianese buzzwords.
Continue reading →“Signs and wonders will follow those who believe,” says The LORD. “I will release them to those who BELIEVE in ME and My Power.”
Continue reading →We need to love and embrace our enemies, because we need them! They are the audience to our Blessings!
Continue reading →The LORD said, “The spirit of fear has been trying to take residence in My Temple, which ushers in the spirit of Antichrist!”
Continue reading →God showed me a Vision of a Warrior coming from battle covered with the Fragrance of Sacrifice.
Continue reading →In America today The LORD has a controversy with the inhabitants of this land because there is No Truth, No Mercy, and NO Knowledge of God.
Continue reading →I saw the Bride of Christ looking very weary and tired and on the verge of giving up; her soul, crying out to The LORD in a dry and weary land.
Continue reading →The Judgments happen in quick succession, bringing much chaos and anguish, but also an awakening of the lost Sheep.
Continue reading →A Warning concerning Weather Systems & Patterns as a false Religion is rising that will seek to change Seed-time and Harvest on the earth!
Continue reading →“Trust that nothing is too hard for Me, and I have given you The Spirit of the Overcomer,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The Father says today, welcome to the FAIL SAFE ZONE in My Kingdom and in My Glory.
Continue reading →O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is Your Name in all the earth! You have set Your glory above the heavens!
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