Concerts to Baal
The LORD said, “Dark forces are trying to nail the coffin on this Nation. But I AM The LORD of all the earth, the heavens and all that is in them.”
Continue reading →The LORD said, “Dark forces are trying to nail the coffin on this Nation. But I AM The LORD of all the earth, the heavens and all that is in them.”
Continue reading →The sound of a mighty rushing wind of Holy Spirit Revival Fire of pure Holy Love from Heaven is pouring out in America and the World.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I have given My Servant this message for you. You can accept it or reject it.”
Continue reading →A Prophecy For Someone. You have been waiting upon The LORD for action to take place.
Continue reading →I saw those who thought they had influence in Washington DC begin to lose their momentum.
Continue reading →The season is upon us where many Christians across this Nation are beginning to look around and ask questions.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I AM wants you to know, to understand that this is the Time of the End. “
Continue reading →There is a move of The Holy Spirit gaining momentum. He is about to visit us once again and release His Shekinah Glory upon His Church.
Continue reading →Suffering and Sorrow Are a Part of Life, but Knowing this, however, doesn’t make it any easier to cope when in deep trouble.
Continue reading →I could feel the wind of my Father upon me today and as i closed my eyes, I could see in a vision leaves blowing all around.
Continue reading →Today’s world of professing Believers are stuck somewhere in the Kiddie Pool and have no real courage or understanding.
Continue reading →“Your battles are not against people, places and things, but against principalities and powers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places,” says The LORD.
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