A Season of Disentanglement
I heard this from The LORD: “This is a season of disentanglement which will cause you to shine brighter.”
Continue reading →I heard this from The LORD: “This is a season of disentanglement which will cause you to shine brighter.”
Continue reading →This is not the end. This is only the beginning. “For My Thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My Ways,” declares The LORD.
Continue reading →“Miracles, signs and wonders are coming to life. All things are possible in the river of My Blessing,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →When you live within GOD’S predestined plan for your life, you don’t need to ask others for their money.
Continue reading →God sent His Son to earth to die on The Cross to take all our sin — yes, yours and mine.
Continue reading →In this land of America, men once believed and practiced that all men were created equal by God.
Continue reading →To fulfill your destiny in CHRIST JESUS, you must go to Galilee, to the mountain He has appointed for you before time began.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Your King Yeshua wants you to know, to understand, that the Judgments are coming soon.”
Continue reading →Today, The Holy Spirit brought to mind the verse where Jesus says, “I AM the Vine, you are the branches.”
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