My Rant — But God Is Getting Ready to Act!
The enemy is using The Left right now through their critical Race Theory, to take God out of schools and pit people against one another.
Continue reading →The enemy is using The Left right now through their critical Race Theory, to take God out of schools and pit people against one another.
Continue reading →“Turn away from your pain and your sorrow and your problems and fix your eyes upon Me,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Are you facing a storm today ? Keep praying, Child of God. Jesus is still with you.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “My Children, the time is shortening. Are you ready for the events to begin soon?”
Continue reading →I was looking up something in one of my older dream journals, and came across this dream I had about WAR AT CHRISTMAS TIME.
Continue reading →You can do what The Spirit prompts. Do it! Your mind often gives you reasons to blow it off. Don’t.
Continue reading →In the fullness of time, I sent My Son. The march to the Cross had just begun. To save mankind from the clutches of sin. The time of the Kingdom was set to begin.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “It is My Way from here on out! Mankind MUST CHANGE, to move forward in My Kingdom.”
Continue reading →I am unlocking things in the spiritual realm for you. Those near and far will see the evidence of His Love and great Grace for which you are proof!
Continue reading →We must guard our tongues always as Christian Soldiers of the Cross. Still right now I feel there is a Special Warning to the Body of Christ!
Continue reading →Persecution is here, change has come, but what may seem like an ending is only a beginning and a closing door to that which has ended.
Continue reading →An Appeal to Heaven Against Government Corruption and Unjust Vaccination Laws. Let us appeal to heaven for justice and a divine turnaround!
Continue reading →“Trust in Me and wait on Me and I will bring it into being,” says The LORD. “Nothing is beyond My ability.”
Continue reading →The LORD began to speak, “I AM in the process of bringing reformation to the Church and to your nation, but you must be ready!”
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