The Spiritual Maelstrom
There’s a real storm brewing in The Spirit right now, and it’s about to manifest in the natural.
Continue reading →There’s a real storm brewing in The Spirit right now, and it’s about to manifest in the natural.
Continue reading →The wait feels weighty but wait…. for that light that is dawning will lift your spirit.
Continue reading →I’ve been excited the way The LORD has been moving in my life with the gift of writing.
Continue reading →My wife and I are doing a study on The Book of Revelation. Several things stood out for me, but one hit me like a hammer blow!
Continue reading →“You have not fallen short of My Grace,” says The LORD, “for it is infallible and inexhaustible. There is no time that I will withhold it from you.”
Continue reading →Many have asked about my opinion concerning the current crisis in the world. Of course, we should only be seeking the opinion of our heavenly Father!
Continue reading →I don’t wish to scare anyone, but, I must report that I have heard The LORD speaking about the opening of the Sixth Seal.
Continue reading →“I will fill you with My Glory,” says The LORD, “for you are My dwelling place and you are My Royal Priesthood.”
Continue reading →Beloveds, I heard The Father say that He “is dancing over us, stirring up the heavens on our behalf!”
Continue reading →“Just as you have been searching for me, I have been searching much deeper within your motives and looking deeper into your hearts,” says The Father.
Continue reading →Am I still willing to do, whatever He asks me to do? It’s a promise many of us made a long time ago now. No matter what.
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