A Plea for Help — Will You Answer?
“As these innocent ones beheld my face, even within the confusion of darkness that took them away, My seed and Destiny kept them safe.”
Continue reading →“As these innocent ones beheld my face, even within the confusion of darkness that took them away, My seed and Destiny kept them safe.”
Continue reading →The focus of a year-long Teaching Legacy series — “Standing Strong” — developing a life in Jesus Christ which is stable, strong, and reliable.
Continue reading →“I AM The Almighty GOD, and there is nothing insignificant about Me,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →I was listening to a well known Prophet tonight talking about those who claim to have done what The LORD has said, and what’s best for everyone.
Continue reading →Today I went for a medical procedure in New York City. I had a new doctor who was very knowledgeable in his field.
Continue reading →“Be still and know that I AM God. Watch Me, for My Glory will shine throughout the earth. I will purge that which is evil and protect that which is Mine.”
Continue reading →“I will direct your path and order every step that you take — you didn’t think that I would let you just wander around hopelessly, did you?”
Continue reading →In this episode of Spirit Connection, I share more about the special prayer assignment The LORD is calling us to — how to pray and what to pray for.
Continue reading →This is for everyone who feels their lives are on hold! You are in a Selah moment! Your life is a song to God and that song is not over!
Continue reading →David was richly blessed for doing God’s Will. “Of this man’s offspring God has brought to Israel a Savior, Jesus, as he promised.”
Continue reading →“I AM watchful and mindful of everything that you do. From this moment on,” says The LORD, “you will walk wholeheartedly.”
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