America, Set as a Signet Ring Nation
America, set as a Signet Ring Nation, the sign that God is now Rebuilding, Restoring and Reforming The Nations of the Earth!
Continue reading →America, set as a Signet Ring Nation, the sign that God is now Rebuilding, Restoring and Reforming The Nations of the Earth!
Continue reading →I believe God is saying once more, this time to His Remnant Church, in these days. “Leave all your theology at the door.”
Continue reading →I had a dream last night that The LORD wanted me to release. I could see myself with my face turned against the wall, praying.
Continue reading →As I was working this afternoon, The LORD took me into a semi-vision where I was with a man I know entering a Casino Club.
Continue reading →“I have created you for My pleasure and you are a treasure to Me,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I AM the God who hears and heals thee. I AM the God who answers thee.”
Continue reading →If you are given a gift, where do you put it? Where are you keeping it? Where are you hiding it? Why are you hiding it?
Continue reading →Father God, right now I want to thank You for what’s written in The Books of Heaven about us and our family line.
Continue reading →Would you really enter a demonic covenant by using products and services of a brand name mocking our GOD, glorifying sin?
Continue reading →If you truly knew how Jesus loves you… You would run into His Arms and never feel fully alone again.
Continue reading →Are you ready for what will happen once the election ballots for 2020 are formally presented to the Congress?
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