Ancient Doors That Lead to Great Revelation & Kingdom Destiny
“Ancient Doors that lead to greater Revelation and Kingdom Destiny will suddenly appear. But watch, for the devourer stands at the door!”
Continue reading →“Ancient Doors that lead to greater Revelation and Kingdom Destiny will suddenly appear. But watch, for the devourer stands at the door!”
Continue reading →Some believe that the gifts of prophecy and tongues have ceased yet, the Revelation comes in the following verse.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “My Children, I AM has had enough of wickedness that being done on earth.”
Continue reading →I have an unusual stirring in my spirit from The Holy Spirit as I write this message.
Continue reading →If a person will only listen to The LORD for instructions, he will be completely satisfied with the results.
Continue reading →Many of you are feeling the squeeze right now — like you can barely get your breath because of all the attacks of the enemy.
Continue reading →America! I had a dream on September 8, 2021 that, as a watch-woman on the wall, I need to out.
Continue reading →An Urgent Prophetic Warning for the United States of America! “Code Red! Code Red! Mayday, Mayday… Mayday…!”
Continue reading →The LORD said, “When men and women die to SELF they can become conduits of My Grace and healing to others.”
Continue reading →This morning September 6, 2012, I was awakened to the voice of God: “Release the Glory of the King of Glory into the world.”
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