What Is It That You Really Want or Desire?
The LORD says and asks, “Examine your heart this very hour. What is it that you really want or desire?”
Continue reading →The LORD says and asks, “Examine your heart this very hour. What is it that you really want or desire?”
Continue reading →I have been SENSING in my spirit that many are at a crucial time of seeing answers.
Continue reading →We can and are commanded to decree with our mouths. What pleases God with our mouths, He shall bring it forth.
Continue reading →“Throughout history, I have taken out men and women, whose own kingdoms and theologies have begun to affect the masses for the worse!”
Continue reading →An ‘Abiding’ friend of mine called today and was preaching over the phone…… about “abiding.”
Continue reading →You are part of the Resistance Force. The devil is shaking in his shoes! What the enemy meant for evil God is turning around for your good.
Continue reading →The LORD says you know that The Most High rules in the kingdom of men and He gives it to whom He will!
Continue reading →The LORD asks, “My Children are you ready for the changes which will come upon the whole earth once the first Judgment falls?”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “The British Parliament, that old much revered place, has for centuries been built on sand.”
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