America: Purged and Purified as Refined Gold!
America, I heard The Spirit say, ”I AM coming suddenly and in unexpected ways, in ways never seen or heard before!”
Continue reading →America, I heard The Spirit say, ”I AM coming suddenly and in unexpected ways, in ways never seen or heard before!”
Continue reading →The LORD would say to His Remnant that He is heightening you in the gifts of Faith, Wisdom, Understanding, and Discernment.
Continue reading →“Press to get into your destiny in Me,” says The LORD. “Yes, contend in faith for the call that I have placed in your life.”
Continue reading →I pray the bounty of God’s fruits of righteousness be made known to your members, as you hunger and thirst for Truth.
Continue reading →God will preserve what He has given each one of us, to use for His Glory and Purpose.
Continue reading →Apostles and Prophets battle spirit of religion; they fight witchcraft; war against the Jezebel spirit and annihilate tichrist spirits.
Continue reading →Prophetic Directives for the Body of Christ and Prophetic Words for the United Kingdom — Ireland — France — Germany and Canada.
Continue reading →The LORD said to me: “Yes it is time to blow the Shofar and tell them…. ”The Great Harvest Is upon you!””
Continue reading →I woke up today seeing and hearing The Holy Spirit say the Word, “IMMOVABLE” and I saw it written out in all capital letters.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I AM The LORD Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you in the way you should go.”
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