A Spiritual Equilibrium’s Beginning to Manifest
There’s a change in Spiritual Equilibrium beginning to manifest in the earthly realm, a great Spiritual Awakening’s now upon us!
Continue reading →There’s a change in Spiritual Equilibrium beginning to manifest in the earthly realm, a great Spiritual Awakening’s now upon us!
Continue reading →To the traditional Church they are misfits, who do not mold very well into the lifestyle of a typical Church.
Continue reading →I hear The Father say, “Beloved be Assured, Confident and Certain, that I will Finish and Complete that which I have started in you!”
Continue reading →The same Communism that has fought The LORD’s Church in China is now becoming more aggressive in this Nation of America.
Continue reading →I heard The Father say, “Though you feel like you are on your ‘last legs’ do not fear, My Child. This is the ‘Final Leg’ of the Race.”
Continue reading →I heard The LORD say, “Be still, and know that I AM God. I will be exalted among the Nations; I will be exalted in the earth.”
Continue reading →There is so much false teaching out there today. So, do not believe every spirit!
Continue reading →“You will sing the songs of the reaper as you reap a bountiful harvest,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →There is a River whose streams make glad the city of our God. There is a Fountain that is flowing straight from The Heart of our God.
Continue reading →The enemy uses what I call “The Rod of the Wicked” to accomplish his mission over The Body of Christ.
Continue reading →I saw a great Tidal Wave of beautiful crystal clear Water rolling across the earth — coming from The Throne of God and of The Lamb!
Continue reading →The ROAR of the LION of the tribe of JUDAH, is opening His Mouth and is awakening all creation to hear His Voice and see His Ways.
Continue reading →The devil is insanely jealous and envious of you and the relationship you have with Jesus!
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