Prophetic Dream: Underground Church
I saw a ‘condo’ which represents the Church going underground. This will be a move of GOD during the days of persecution.
Continue reading →I saw a ‘condo’ which represents the Church going underground. This will be a move of GOD during the days of persecution.
Continue reading →Many times we push ourselves to the point that we come very close to running on empty.
Continue reading →The LORD said, “Listen — for The Lion of Judah shall Roar over the ground and The Clown and The Queen shall be brought down!”
Continue reading →“I AM doing a different work with you. There is a weight of glory on you that will shape nations, but I AM building your story.”
Continue reading →People don’t get truly saved when you preach a gospel that instills FEAR or seems to threaten them.
Continue reading →“I have placed a hedge of protection around you,” says The LORD. “You do not have to fear that the enemy army will encroach your space.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Beloved. My Grace is unstoppable, My Goodness is unstoppable, My Mercy is unstoppable, My Glory is unstoppable.”
Continue reading →With our heart we see The Kingdom! Paul prayed that capability would would be in the hearts of the Ephesians and us.
Continue reading →I hear The Father saying: “I AM moving on your behalf, into a season of plenty, as you see restoration and healing….”
Continue reading →There are tremendous shifts going on in the heavens; as the saints wage war through prayers to enact the righteous Will of The LORD.
Continue reading →“I know it may feel dark right now, unpleasant and a very tight place, but just relax! For I AM in the midst of this,” saith The LORD.
Continue reading →Every single trap that the enemy has planned against your family, I declare null and void.
Continue reading →“Do not wallow in depression,” says The LORD, “for My joy is your strength. I do not want you to be cast down. “
Continue reading →I hear this in The Spirit, “Hear the Sound of the Dry Bones rattling! The Dry Bones are coming alive!”
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