A Time of Rebirthing Is Now Upon the Nations
In the early hour of this morning I heard the Words, ”Watch! For a time of re-birthing is now upon the Nations!”
Continue reading →In the early hour of this morning I heard the Words, ”Watch! For a time of re-birthing is now upon the Nations!”
Continue reading →The Truth is being unveiled and will surely prevail in the midst of great turmoil and confusion.
Continue reading →We saw from our last discussion that we are wrestling with strong holds; this is why we put on the Whole Armour of God.
Continue reading →“Honor comes from Me,” says The LORD, “and I have honored you because you have honored Me.”
Continue reading →While in prayer over the weekend, I asked The LORD for a word for those who need to hear.
Continue reading →Are there times in your life when you wonder where God is, when faced with a stressful situation?
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I AM not through with America and will rise to give life in the face of death, for I AM, that I AM.”
Continue reading →“It is the Time of the Gathering of the Lovers of God. A Gathering of Warriors who walk in the Fiery Love of their God!”
Continue reading →This week, I want to give you some practical instructions on how you can flip your situation around — and move closer to your destiny.
Continue reading →“My thoughts and My ways are within your reach, for I never cease to express them and make them known onto you,” says The LORD.
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