Our Times and Seasons
The devil is insanely jealous and envious of you and the relationship you have with Jesus!
Continue reading →The devil is insanely jealous and envious of you and the relationship you have with Jesus!
Continue reading →The LORD says He has Empowered, Equipped and Enabled us to live beyond our mortal frailties, failures and weaknesses!
Continue reading →I heard The LORD speak silently to my heart, Words that conveyed His feelings to me.
Continue reading →I hear The LORD say, “My Children, you are as the sweetest Rose in the dry desert. It is time to arise and go in deeper.”
Continue reading →A “Now Word” to the heathen who do not believe in God in this Nation and the world.
Continue reading →“My Joy that I give you in The Secret Place of My Presence has no sorrow attached,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →I heard, “HOLD FAST, My Child, and don’t let go. He Who is faithful has come to help you.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Events are upon you. The time of pain and anguish is here. Are you ready for all that will transpire?”
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