Revival in the Nations
Revival in the Nation(s) will be birthed through the weak vessels. God does not choose to use the people everyone expects.
Continue reading →Revival in the Nation(s) will be birthed through the weak vessels. God does not choose to use the people everyone expects.
Continue reading →President Donald J. Trump; mantled as a great Trouble Maker of the times, who shall raise up an Army of fearless Freedom Fighters.
Continue reading →Many people feel like it’s been a difficult time in the world to hear the voice of God. How about you? Have you felt this way?
Continue reading →From time to time I get comments about how believers, are somehow to be always rejoicing and never should feel down.
Continue reading →“Let there be a death of your own will, your own carnal desires and your own thoughts and ways,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →I heard, “Listen to the Spirit for He is giving you New Direction for New Dimensions, New Revelation of His Heavenly Realms of Greater Glory.”
Continue reading →We have entered into a season that is propelling The Church forward into the deep.
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