Don’t rush into everything that promises quick rewards! Most of it is a scam to rob you off; an open door for the devourer!
Continue reading →Don’t rush into everything that promises quick rewards! Most of it is a scam to rob you off; an open door for the devourer!
Continue reading →LORD! All I got today is Thankful Praise, which I don’t give You near enough. I am so thankful for Your goodness.
Continue reading →God is putting up some road blocks, because the ways in which you were going was not the ways that The LORD intended.
Continue reading →The safest place to be is in the WILL of Almighty God. And you know what? This does not exempt you from troubles!
Continue reading →“I will do through you exactly what I planned and purposed. I will provide for everything that I call you to do,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →In light of the heightening turmoil and tumult in the world around us, the theme for our current Teaching: “Standing Strong!”
Continue reading →I heard, “The Wise Ones are rising up, the Warriors chosen by God for such a time as this.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “There is a great battle coming that will separate the two major political forces within your land.”
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