All Scripture Is God-Breathed and Is Useful
When Paul wrote to Timothy, he started with a prophetic end0time warning and the outcome of two heathens who opposed Moses.
Continue reading →When Paul wrote to Timothy, he started with a prophetic end0time warning and the outcome of two heathens who opposed Moses.
Continue reading →At the end of the day, The Office of The Prophet is never well received. True prophets do not bring profit, popularity, or power.
Continue reading →Those who thought they had ‘BURIED’ you, will soon realise what they called your TOMB was a WOMB.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Develop that sense of quietness and COME TO ME. I AM the only place of rest. I AM your peace.”
Continue reading →Kairos Word — Kairos opportune time for action! Many have warred with these Words. Now is the time for manifestation!
Continue reading →No matter what darkness is trying to surround, He is Jehovah El Elyon, The Most High God, who is the God who answers by Fire.
Continue reading →“I AM taking you into realms of righteousness and glory. I AM giving you the keys of David, that you may slay your enemies as I did.”
Continue reading →Obedience is not a ploy that The LORD uses to accomplish something in you against what you want in life.
Continue reading →“Believe that I will do great and mighty things in the midst of YOU personally,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Things are not as they seem. It is always darkest right before dawn,” says The LORD of Light.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I’ve had a plan since the beginning. My plan is going as expected.”
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