The Office of The Prophet
At the end of the day, The Office of The Prophet is never well received. True prophets do not bring profit, popularity, or power.
Continue reading →At the end of the day, The Office of The Prophet is never well received. True prophets do not bring profit, popularity, or power.
Continue reading →Those who thought they had ‘BURIED’ you, will soon realise what they called your TOMB was a WOMB.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Develop that sense of quietness and COME TO ME. I AM the only place of rest. I AM your peace.”
Continue reading →Kairos Word — Kairos opportune time for action! Many have warred with these Words. Now is the time for manifestation!
Continue reading →No matter what darkness is trying to surround, He is Jehovah El Elyon, The Most High God, who is the God who answers by Fire.
Continue reading →“I AM taking you into realms of righteousness and glory. I AM giving you the keys of David, that you may slay your enemies as I did.”
Continue reading →Obedience is not a ploy that The LORD uses to accomplish something in you against what you want in life.
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