The LORD Has Given You All The Resources You Need
There is a godly anger and an ungodly anger. Anger against sin is godly, against spiritual things is sinful and ungodly.
Continue reading →There is a godly anger and an ungodly anger. Anger against sin is godly, against spiritual things is sinful and ungodly.
Continue reading →God’s righteous judgment has two sides to it. God judges all of us who trust in Messiah Jesus are righteous and holy.
Continue reading →The Battleground of the Emerging Generation is the Sphere of Messengers. The Sphere of Messengers is Media in its manifold streams.
Continue reading →In the past week or two, The LORD keeps me focused on Revelation 9 in my studies.
Continue reading →“You must learn to walk the way that I have walked. You must walk in my shoes,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Wisdom comes from Me, and I will download it into you as you ask Me for counsel and believe Me for it,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Beloved. I will never leave you. I will never fail you. I will never hold back My Goodness and My Blessings.”
Continue reading →As I watch another chapter of life closing and a new direction set before, I find that prophesied new beginning ahead.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I laid down My life so that you may have joy forevermore. Come from the shadows of darkness.”
Continue reading →I hear The LOORD saying, “I gave these children to you, because I knew you would pray…”
Continue reading →Revelation is your portion. The Spirit of The LORD calls you to His Banqueting Table.
Continue reading →I’m Praying America nation as The LORD spoke to me regarding the color Yellow; Wisdom, and Relationship with God as Bridegroom.
Continue reading →So many are in a place where they are being attacked and accused. For some it may even be their children. Is that You?
Continue reading →I get these messages when someone sent a video message spoken by “Someone”, then they say: “You really need to hear this!”
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