Faith It!
Choosing Faith over fear is the correct thing to do, but when you are in the midst of a trial, Faith my not come easy!
Continue reading →Choosing Faith over fear is the correct thing to do, but when you are in the midst of a trial, Faith my not come easy!
Continue reading →I heard, “Do you hear the rattle, the sound of the dry bones coming to Life? The Wounded Warriors have become My Exceeding Great Army!”
Continue reading →They found a Scapegoat they thought would bring triumph. But little did they know the it would set them up for utter defeat!
Continue reading →A quick, edifying spiritual tuneup is found in 1 Thessalonian 5 contains 438 inspired, astute, words to exhorts us regarding the last days.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “This will be a time that I put shunts within you. For you have blocked off things that you are not aware have been blocked off.”
Continue reading →Know that with all the prophetic encouraging words, discouraging spirits will hit!
Continue reading →“I AM aware of everything that is going on in the earth,” says The LORD. “Nothing is hidden from Me!”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “My spiritual tools are used for your advancement in The Kingdom and for your spiritual maturity.”
Continue reading →‘Wokeism’ is not new, it begin with Nimrod, and was first defeated by God when God tore down The Tower of Babel.
Continue reading →The Message of The Cross – the only message we’re given that has the power to produce people after the image of Jesus Christ!
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Many waters are being troubled. In the midst of the troubling waters, I have a people who will learn how to stand.”
Continue reading →“I have given you the ability to discern the difference between good and evil,” says The LORD.
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