Are YOU Weary?
Ask yourself: “Am I that deflated weary creature who seems to be losing the battle most days?”
Continue reading →Ask yourself: “Am I that deflated weary creature who seems to be losing the battle most days?”
Continue reading →“Those who claim that I do not exist will be surprised and awed at the phenomenal, inexplicable things I will do,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Beloved. Better is one day in My Courts than thousands elsewhere. I AM your ABIDING PLACE.”
Continue reading →I heard The LORD say, “My Power and Glory has been unleashed from heaven to earth in this season.”
Continue reading →There is a godly anger and an ungodly anger. Anger against sin is godly, against spiritual things is sinful and ungodly.
Continue reading →God’s righteous judgment has two sides to it. God judges all of us who trust in Messiah Jesus are righteous and holy.
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