‘Wokeism’ is not new, it begin with Nimrod, and was first defeated by God when God tore down The Tower of Babel.
Continue reading →‘Wokeism’ is not new, it begin with Nimrod, and was first defeated by God when God tore down The Tower of Babel.
Continue reading →The Message of The Cross – the only message we’re given that has the power to produce people after the image of Jesus Christ!
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Many waters are being troubled. In the midst of the troubling waters, I have a people who will learn how to stand.”
Continue reading →“I have given you the ability to discern the difference between good and evil,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →God’s dwelling will be with His People – then, we will see God face to face and we will know as we have been known.
Continue reading →I felt The LORD so strongly to record today. He is breaking up that fallow ground! Embrace this season of resurrection!
Continue reading →I had a Vision of a huge lizard with human teeth. The LORD said it was a biting and devouring spirit.
Continue reading →The Angels are still asking, “Why do you seek the Living One among the dead? He is risen!” He is risen indeed!
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