Our Being is God’s Doing
So if anyone is in Christ, he is a new being. The old things have passed away. They have become new.
Continue reading →So if anyone is in Christ, he is a new being. The old things have passed away. They have become new.
Continue reading →In this episode of Spirit Connection, I’m going to open something up about resurrection power that’s going to set you free!
Continue reading →“As you shift your thoughts upon Me and dwell on My infallible Word, I will renew your mind, I will renew your strength, I will renew your vision!”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I have placed each one of My Children in their most effective station, for the things that will come in this year.”
Continue reading →There are some things I had to realize before I could really get healed enough to walk into my calling.
Continue reading →Are you going through discouragement due to the unforgiveness of men; feeling worthless?
Continue reading →In 2004 suddenly and inexplicably he said aloud, “Within my lifetime you will see the end of abortion in this country (UK)”
Continue reading →There are some people in the Church who seem to make Salvation so difficult and Christian life so seriously tedious.
Continue reading →The wicked will wax worse and worse, and the will be constantly deceiving and themselves being deceived.
Continue reading →“Good is My Word: good is My Will; good are My Thoughts; good are My Plans; good are My Purposes, Good are My Works,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Today’s podcast message is going to address one of those things that most Christians are a little embarrassed to admit!
Continue reading →Joy in God’s Kingdom is quite different than what goes for joy in kingdoms of this world.
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