There Is a Price for Effectiveness
By their fruit you will know them. Do the work. Seek The LORD while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near.
Continue reading →By their fruit you will know them. Do the work. Seek The LORD while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near.
Continue reading →You are His Messengers of Light, Flames of Fire in the midst of a dark world, His Stars shining in the Night.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Watch! For now the balancing act will begin for those who seek to take the Throne!”
Continue reading →Listen closely to what The LORD has to say to you. Hear His still small voice and His whisper of Love.
Continue reading →The Scriptures are replete with many instances about the ministry of reporters and the reports they bring.
Continue reading →“Why are you so fearful? I ask? Where is your faith and trust in Me? Use it, and hold onto it without any glitches,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Satan has power -but – it is limited. For the One who holds the leash, determines the perimeters and sets the boundaries!
Continue reading →“Don’t be disturbed or distracted by the things that you hear, the things that you see and the little that you know,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD said, “I will have My Way. The USA will be cleansed, it will become what I AM calling it to.”
Continue reading →Edification and Comfort strengthens our faith, hope and love and helps us persevere in the midst of persecution.
Continue reading →For the last two weeks, I have been trembling more than anything in The Fear of The LORD.
Continue reading →You are of God, little children, and that evil one touches you nor, for greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world.
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